
two coversThe book provides a balanced review of the relations between science and religion. Many different sciences and many different religions are considered. The main message is that science and religion can be complementary rather than antagonistic. We must use them both to create an understanding of the universe that created us.

The book differs from other books dealing with science and religion in several ways:

(i) It considers different religious beliefs. Other books typically try to reconcile scientific findings with the truth as revealed within one religion. If we consider the world’s many different beliefs, however, we find that revealed truth is not a simple matter.

(ii) The book is clearly written and extensively referenced. Believers should be able to understand the science. Scientists should get a sense of what religion means. The reader should not be baffled by the numbers nor blinded by the numinous.

(iii) The book considers science and religion in the context of human culture. Science, religion and art all involve human creativity. We invent scientific hypotheses, interpret religious visions, and form aesthetic representations to help us understand the world. Scriptures are a special type of poetry with many levels of meaning.

(iv) The book contains multiple stand-alone sections. Each is patterned on a “pericope,” a small passage from the scriptures used as the basis for a lesson. This allows the book to consider selected aspects in depth. This should be more satisfying than a superficial overview.


I am Professor Emeritus (Medicine and Psychology) at the University of Toronto, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. As a scientist, I have published extensively on human hearing and cognition. I have spent much of my free time studying the scriptures of the world’s religions. More biographical information is provided in the section entitled Biography.

Table of Contents

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