The paperback version of the book is available from The price is 25 US dollars. The cost for shipping and handling charged by Amazon is significantly lower than the actual cost. International shipping is available. It will take up to 3 or 4 weeks to get to Europe by surface mail.
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The book is not available on other Amazon webpages. If you are not in USA, you should order it via
If you are uncomfortable with eCommerce and would like to buy the book by (e)mail order, please contact me. I shall quote you a reasonable shipping cost.
The book can also be obtained in pdf format. This is easily readable on a laptop or iPad (using iBooks). Unfortunately, I cannot make this available through Amazon (which is focused on their Kindle format). The pdf version of the book can be obtained for a price of 9 US dollars by contacting me. Since the pdf will be sent by email, shipping is free.
When it was first published, the book was made available through They had definite advantages (charging in multiple currencies, allowing the sale of pdf versions, etc.) However, since they require a monthly listing fee independently of any sales, it was not economically feasible to continue this arrangement.