According to the book of Genesis, Yahweh created Adam and Eve to live in the Garden of Eden. He commanded them on pain of death not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, Eve was convinced by the Serpent to eat of the tree, and she in turn convinced Adam to do the same. For their disobedience, Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden. The interpretation of this myth has led to the Christian idea that humanity is forever tainted by “Original Sin,” and that our only hope for immortality is through the sacrifice of Christ which offers redemption from sin and entry into eternity to those who believe in him. The concept of Original Sin has become dangerously ingrained in Christian thinking, and needs reworking,
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
The book of Genesis contains two narratives of the creation. In the second (Genesis 2:4-25), attributed to a writer/editor called J (Rosenberg & Bloom, 1990), Yahweh created Adam by breathing into a lump of earth, and placed him in a garden in Eden. He then grew the trees of the garden:
And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2: 9)
Yahweh enjoined Adam not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil:
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Genesis 2: 16-17)
J then tells how God created Eve as a companion for Adam, and narrates the story of man’s fall from innocence (Genesis 3: 1-24). Eve was asked by the Serpent whether she and Adam must not eat from any of the trees of Eden:
And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. (Genesis 3: 2-3)
The Serpent convinces her that eating of the Tree of Knowledge would actually open her eyes to the divine knowledge of good and evil. The interaction between Eve and the Serpent is the subject of many paintings, among which is the tempera painting of William Blake (1800) in the Victoria and Albert Museum. This and the subsequent illustrations are derived from the Blake Archive:
Eve ate the fruit and gave some to Adam who likewise ate. Yahweh quickly realized how Adam and Eve had disobeyed him.
And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever
Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. (Genesis 3: 22-24)
The expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden is depicted in an 1808 watercolor by William Blake which was to illustrate the ending of Milton’s Paradise Lost (1674). In this telling of the story, the archangel Michael leads Adam and Eve out of Paradise:
For now, too nigh
The Arch-Angel stood; and, from the other hill
To their fixed station, all in bright array
The Cherubim descended; on the ground
Gliding meteorous, as evening-mist
Risen from a river o’er the marish glides,
And gathers ground fast at the labourer’s heel
Homeward returning. High in front advanced,
The brandished sword of God before them blazed,
Fierce as a comet; which with torrid heat,
And vapour as the Libyan air adust,
Began to parch that temperate clime; whereat
In either hand the hastening Angel caught
Our lingering parents, and to the eastern gate
Led them direct, and down the cliff as fast
To the subjected plain; then disappeared.
They, looking back, all the eastern side beheld
Of Paradise, so late their happy seat,
Waved over by that flaming brand; the gate
With dreadful faces thronged, and fiery arms:
Some natural tears they dropt, but wiped them soon;
The world was all before them, where to choose
Their place of rest, and Providence their guide:
They, hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow,
Through Eden took their solitary way.
Though Milton’s words portray the gravity of what has happened to Adam and Eve, they are also touched with hope. They had each other; their eyes were open; they could learn to survive; perhaps they might even thrive. The world was all before them.
The story of Adam and Eve and how they disobeyed Yahweh’s commandment not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil has been retold again and again in the years since it was first written down in Judeo-Christian scripture (Greenblatt, 2017). In the Christian world it led to the idea of “Original Sin” (Boyce, 2015): because of the transgression of Adam and Eve, all human beings are doomed to die, unless they accept Christ as their savior.
One or Two Trees?
Yahweh’s prohibition and Eve’s words to the Serpent suggest that there is only one special tree in the garden: the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. One is therefore tempted to re-examine the first mention of the two trees. The conjunction between them may be translated both as “and” and as “that is to say”. Thus, the Tree of Life, may just be another name for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and Genesis 2:9 might read
the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, that is to say, the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
However, when Yahweh condemned Adam and Eve for their transgression, he did so lest they also partake of the Tree of Life and become immortal. Those supporting the existence of only one special tree in Eden have suggested that perhaps the word translated as “also” might actually mean “again.” The issues about one or two trees have been discussed by Makowiecki (2021) and Zevelt (2013, Chapter 7).
My preferred interpretation is that there is only one special tree, that eating of that tree opens the mind to knowledge, and that, if our knowledge becomes great enough, we might somehow become immortal.
Good and Evil
The phrase “good and evil” needs two important explications. The first is that it is an example of a merism, “a figure of speech in which opposite extremes imply everything between them” (Robinson, 2024, p 77). When we say that we searched “high and low” we mean that we searched everywhere. The Bible makes frequent use of the device: the expression “heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1) includes everything between; “evening and morning” (Genesis 1:5) means the whole day (including afternoon and night); “alpha and omega” (Revelations 22: 13) means the complete alphabet of existence. Thus, the tree of knowledge of good and evil is the tree of all knowledge characterized by the extremes of good and evil.
The second point of explication concerns the word translated as “evil.” The original Hebrew word can mean both “bad” and “evil” (Kass, 2003, p 63, see also Speiser, 1964, and Rosenberg & Bloom, 1990). Both are value judgements. However, we often conceive of “evil” as pain and suffering that is intentionally rather than naturally caused. Thus, though murder is considered evil, an earthquake is not. However, this distinction becomes fuzzy if we believe the natural world to be controlled by divine intentions. Arnold (2008, p 64) points out that God created both good and evil. In the words of God proclaimed through his prophet Isaiah:
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. (Isaiah, 45: 7)
According to our definitions of “evil” and “bad,” knowledge of good and bad could then refer to everything, whereas knowledge of good and evil is primarily concerned with moral judgements (Hartmann, 2002, Chapter V; Laird, 2014, Chapter V). I much prefer to interpret the story of Eden in the latter sense. A moral judgement combines an assessment of what we perceive with a decision about what we should do in the light of the predicted consequences. Morality requires a consciousness of a self that can control one’s actions, or in religious terms, a soul that has free will. The very act of disobeying is an exercise of such free will.
When the eyes or Adam and Eve were opened by the knowledge of good and evil, the first thing that they noted was their shame at being naked. This combines self-consciousness with the idea that one should not unnecessarily incite the lust of others.
Kass (2004, p 68) sums up his discussion of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad:
The knowledge prohibited is autonomous knowledge of how to live, found in or procured from one’s own garden (nature), based on human experience of the visible world. The opposite of obedience, it is the kind of knowledge that is implicit in the act of violating a prohibition, indeed, in any act of choosing for oneself.
He goes on to say that this knowledge may not be sufficient for us to behave as we should. We also require rules such as the Ten Commandments to instruct us how to live:
But this autonomous knowledge of good and bad is not true knowledge of good and bad; human beings on their own will not find true knowledge of how to live. This must be supplied by what is later called revelation.
I find myself agreeing with his initial statements and disagreeing with those that follow. The commandments were not miraculously revealed to us by Moses: that story is as mythical as the story of Eden. Rather these rules were proposed on the basis of how human beings had learned to live with each other.
Original Sin
Though it is not directly discussed in the Bible, Talmudic and Christian interpretations of the disobedience of Adam and Eve led to the idea that all their descendants were afflicted with their Original Sin and that this explains our mortality and our suffering (Boyce, 2015; Greenblatt, 2017, Chapters 5 and 6; Zevit, 2013, Chapter 1). The apostle Paul wrote
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned (Romans 5: 12)
Paul proclaimed that Christ died to save us from this fate, and that belief in him can lead to eternal life. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 CE) was the great champion of Original Sin. He argued against the teachings of an English theologian Pelagius (354-413 CE), who proposed that human beings are not born innately sinful, but rather free to choose between good and evil:
Day by day, hour by hour, we have to reach decisions; and in each decision, we can choose good or evil. The freedom to choose makes us like God: if we choose evil, that freedom becomes a curse; if we choose good, it becomes our greatest blessing.
When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge they were exercising their freedom of choice … Before eating the fruit they did not know the difference between good and evil; thus they did not possess the knowledge which enables human beings to exercise freedom of choice. By eating the fruit they acquired this knowledge, and from that moment onwards they were free. Thus the story of their banishment from Eden is in truth the story of how the human race gained its freedom: by eating fruit from the tree of knowledge, Adam and Eve became mature human beings, responsible to God for their actions. (both quotations from Pelagius are in Boyce, 2015, p 15)
The story of Eden can thus be interpreted as Adam and Eve deciding not to remain in blissful innocence. They could have stayed in the garden, obeyed Yahweh’s commandment and led a life of simplicity and comfort. Instead, by eating of the tree of knowledge they gained insight into the complexities of a life independent of Yahweh’s care, a life wherein they made their own decisions rather than just accepting what Yahweh commanded. Their act of disobedience was an assertion of their freedom.
However, Augustine prevailed over Pelagius. At the Synod of Carthage (418CE), Original Sin became one of the essential doctrines of the Christian Church (Denzinger, 2012, p 223). This was unfortunate. Thinking of humanity as being free to choose, as being able to learn to do what is good, is far more productive than simply considering humanity as doomed to die.
Freedom to Choose
The story of Adam and Eve is not a realistic story of human origins. However, myths often contain true ideas about human nature. During our evolution, human beings gained a special kind of knowledge. We became conscious of ourselves as beings able to decide freely among possible actions on the basis of the good or evil these actions might entail. We also learned that with freedom comes responsibility. We must not act just for our own good for also for the good of others.
On this note I would like to conclude with a third image from the work of William Blake: Rose Albion (1795). We do not know exactly what Blake was depicting. A common interpretation is that the image represents man (or more specifically, England) freed from the shackles of materialism. It might also represent the more general idea of humanity as free to choose.
Alter, Robert. (2004). The five books of Moses: a translation with commentary. W.W. Norton & Co.
Arnold, B. T. (2009). Genesis. Cambridge University Press (The New Cambridge Bible Commentary).
Boyce, J. (2015). Born bad: original sin and the making of the Western world. Counterpoint Press.
Denzinger, H. (2012). Compendium of creeds, definitions, and declarations on matters of faith and morals (P. Hünermann, H. Hoping, R. L. Fastiggi, & A. E. Nash, Eds.; 43rd ed.). Ignatius Press.
Greenblatt, S. (2017). The rise and fall of Adam and Eve. W.W. Norton & Company.
Hartmann, N. (1932, reprinted 2002) Moral Phenomena. Transaction Publishers.
Kass, Leon. (2003). The beginning of wisdom: reading Genesis. Free Press.
Laird, J. (2014). A study in moral theory. Routledge.
Makowiecki, M. (2021). Untangled branches: the Edenic tree(s) and the multivocal WAW. Journal of Theological Studies, 71(2), 441–457.
Robinson, M. (2024). Reading Genesis. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Rosenberg, J., & Bloom, H. (1990). The book of J. Grove Weidenfeld.
Speiser, E. A. (1964). Genesis: introduction, translation, and notes. Doubleday (Anchor Bible).
Zevit, Z. (2013). What really happened in the Garden of Eden? Yale University Press.
The Biblical story of creation a myth! The giving of the law to Moses a myth! So where do you draw the line Terry? The immaculate conception? The resurrection? Water to wine? The second coming?
This is the problem with the Allegorical and spiritual method of interpreting the Bible, it nullifies Divine revelation and power.
On the other hand, the bid bang, humans evolving from pond scum, the transformation of crawling caterpillars to beautiful butterflies by accident, is in my humble opinion a myth.
“ If the universe is meaningless, we would not be able to figure out it is meaningless”
Sorry, can’t remember who the quote is from. C.S. Lewis maybe?
David Barker
I would venture that all the religious stories that you mention are myths. However, as I stated in the post, “myths often contain true ideas about human nature.” And to the quotation, I would add Einstein’s “The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility”
I would recommend reading “ God Is” by Canadian Senator David Adams Richards from the Miramichi, for a fresh approach about good and evil in a secular world. Available in paperback and Kindle edition.
David Barker
Hi Dr. Picton: I enjoyed reading your analysis. I always wondered why God allowed the serpent to exist in the bliss of Eden. I figured out that God does test us, and even in Eden, Adam and Eve, were tested to show their obeyance, their love for God.
As you write, you state that Adam and Eve gained their freedom and gained independence and thus developed their free will from God. But, respectfully, may I say, you are forgetting, that Adam and Eve, “already,” were given free will in Eden, to obey God or not to obey.
I dont know if obeying God to not eat from the tree of good and evil consists of “original” sin, but who am I to go against such incredible writers of the past in Christianity. I do know, God, the God I know, loves us sooo much that yes, He even let His own son die for our sins. So, this incredible act of selflessness does imply that somewhere sin entered the world of humanity. And, I also, think of the deepest pain, that God, as a Father, must have felt to let this happen for the good of all of us.
As we reflect on Jesus’ Passion, He knew in the Garden of Gethsemene what was to come, yet He obeyed no matter what, which reflects back to Adam and Eve, who didnt obey God, our Father. And, as Jesus’ was hung on the Cross, all His apostles but His mother and St. John remained. So, how do we interpret all of this from Adam and Eve, to Jesus hanging on the Crpss and everyone but two, stayed by Jesus.
Maybe obeying God, wasnt meant to “control,” us away from experiencing free will, but rather, that a loving Father, didnt want us to suffer by knowing the deepest hells on earth throughout time. Maybe, Adam and Eve, were meant to be faithful to God, to live in bliss and have that gift of free will, whuch they already possessed.
I do know that nobody knows God’s plan and if we think we know, we dont (Ecclesiastes 8:16). Maybe through time, God wanted us to all develop, into who we are meant to be throughout all the millenia, to learn true faith which only comes through suffering. If life were easy, we’d all be selfish idiotas and we wouldnt care for each other, and love each other, as was “the” most important commandment in the Old Testament and New.
Maybe life IS developing ourselves to the highest form of love for each other as Christ loved us. God’s Kingdom takes time to develop in each of us. And, maybe, “that’s” the point of having the serpent in Eden in the first place.
I do know though, that there is a difference between “knowledge of good and evil,” and “knowledge of life,” in each of the trees in Eden. One, is a process (knowledge of good and evil) the other, is the end result (knowledge of life).
I, myself, am not inyerested ever, in proving whether the B9ble stories are a myth or truth. Im much more interested in knowing and learning that life is a process and I pray, every day, that we all end up in the same place.
When Jesus said, “Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but His Words, do not pass away,” I thought of this the other night, if Heaven and earth are going to pass away, where do we all go, when all our bodies are resurrected from the dead — into mere space? I wondered also, why Jesus uded the contrary to Heaven, as the word earth, instead of using the word, hell, as in “Heaven and hell shall pass away but my Words will never pass away.” I wondered then, if thetlre was a translationissue all the way back to the time of Jesus, and that when the last day comes and we’re all resurrected from the dead, that yes, in fact, the earth is Eden, and we are all to live here, since Heaven will “pass away?” I wondered if there was “insight” in hell and if people were in hell, would they too, have “knowledge of their ebil,” going all the way back to Adam and Eve. And if they hsd insight, would they too have a time, to correct themselves?
I dont know a lot of things, but frankly, and personally, I dont care if the Bible is a myrh or not — its a waste of my energy and time– since Einstein so wisely said, (as you quoted) the universe is unique in its incomprehensibility (paraphrased); meaning, Im never going to know everything, so why waste my time trying to know, cause Ecclesiastes 8:16 is so right — even if we think we know God’s way, we never, ever will. I like it that way, cause then ebery day is beautiful, marvelous, unique, and such a gorgeous mystery to discover.
I hope, Dr. Picton, you come to the same conclusion: we dont have to know if the Bible is a myth or not, we just wait, patiently, to see everything unfold, to iys own beauty and perfection, and that means all of humankind on earth, and I pray, even below the earth. People arent born bad, but circumstances hurt many people, and if I had a chance at a good life, I hope and pray, that all will be given a second chance– because afterall, God IS love itself and love is everlasting. That means, forever.
God Bless Dr. Picton. Thanks for listening to my words, even if they were circular, and redunant, in many ways. Its sooo wonderful always, to read your thoughts. Thank you for sharing.
P.S. I apologize if there are typos in this writing. Im not able to go back and correct them, here on my phone, as the screen doesnt scroll back. Thx. Elizabeth-Annie Bartoli
Dear Eizabeth
Many thanks for your comments. It is good that you are working these things out. The stories in the bible have many meanings. I think the most important is that we should live our lives in wonder at the marvels of creation. Take care
Absolutely! Thank you.
Additionally, Dr. Picton, the Bible being a myth or truth, I dont know, but if I believe with faith through the “eyes of my soul,” I see and learn so much more through these writings, than if I didnt believe. Certainly, in archeology, there is so much evidence that proves many parts in the Bible, from the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, to the finding of a small rolled up piece of silver, the Israeli prayer, “The Shema,” found and doscovered to be from several thousand years ago, yet, it is a prayer that was handed down from generation to generation, orally, throughout the millenia in Jewish families. Then, there’s the mysterious “line of St. Michael,” called the Sword of St. Michael in the Catholic Church, where monasteries were dedicated to St. Michael from Haifa Israel, all the way to Ireland, throughout the millenia, and in different centuries, which mostly line up in a curved/straight line across Europe. It is saod in the Catholic Church that the Archangel St. Michael appeared to Bishops, and normal people, and asked that a Church be built in those spots. Somehow, they all form a straight/slightly curved line across Europe.
The Catholic Church has many, many traditions, and even unexplained events whete the Virgin Mary appeared to children throughout the millenia and where the public actually saw “miracles of the sun,” such as in Fatima, Portugal, where the sun looked like it was falling from the sky, spinning widly, and miraculously dried all the thousands of witnesses from the previous rain. She appeared to children and rightly predicted WWI and WWII. And this is just one event. There are more in Egypt, where many people saw her in the sky above an Orthodox Church, to appearances in France, Belgium, Italy, to today in Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzokovina where apparently she’s been appearing and giving messages for 43+ years, since June 24th, 1981. The children in 1981, are now grand-parents. Many Christian Protestants dont believe in such things but the miracles that have occured there such as the sun spinning (again) in the sky and again many, many people have witnessed it, and true peace experienced there are testimonies that something is happening there. Mary has been predicting WWIII for several decades, urging people to pray for peace. The Catholic Church, who is very rigorous to approve such events, recently, approved the status of this site as worthy to be visited to increase our faith.
I know many events seem strange throughout history and the Bible stories seem like myths, but isnt that the joy of life?…..the mystery of it all. All the best! Elizabeth